Mobile Game Development
"Mobile Game Development Essentials" is a comprehensive online course designed to empower participants with the fundamental skills required for entry-level mobi...
"Mobile Game Development Essentials" is a comprehensive online course designed to empower participants with the fundamental skills required for entry-level mobi...
Embark on an exciting journey into the realm of mobile game development with our online course, "Mobile Game Development Essentials." This immersive program is meticulously crafted to provide participants with the foundational skills needed to dive into the dynamic world of creating engaging mobile games.
Throughout the course, you will not just learn theory but actively apply your knowledge through real assessments, quizzes, and hands-on practice sessions. The core focus of the curriculum revolves around mastering the Unity game engine, a powerhouse in the game development industry, and harnessing the capabilities of the robust C# scripting language.
Our comprehensive approach covers essential elements such as 2D and 3D character modeling, object modeling, assets management, and environment modeling, ensuring you gain a well-rounded skill set crucial for success in the field. The course places a strong emphasis on practical learning, with a staggering 90% of the content dedicated to hands-on exercises.
Designed for accessibility, the skills acquired in this course are applicable across all mobile platforms, making you proficient in creating games that captivate audiences on various devices. Moreover, we provide you with the best tools and resources available in the industry, empowering you to bring your creative visions to life.
Whether you're a budding game developer or someone looking to enhance their skills, "Mobile Game Development Essentials" is your gateway to unlocking the exciting possibilities of the mobile gaming landscape. Join us and embark on a transformative learning experience that will set you on the path to success in mobile game development.
Introduction about Unity game engine
0:02:27Installation of Unity-Introduction
0:02:16Hands-on session about Installation of Unity
0:02:34New Unity Project Configuration and Shortcuts-Introduction
0:01:22Hands-on Session of New Unity Project Configuration and Shortcuts
0:05:25Unity interface finding-Introduction
0:00:42Hands-on Session of unity interface
0:02:16Game Environment Modeling-Overview of Environment Modeling
0:01:26Hands-on Session of Environment Making
0:09:18Introduction to Assets Importing
0:05:18Hands-on Session of Assets Importing
0:05:16Discussion on Game Character making and classifications
0:05:02Character Object Importing-About Game Character Importing
0:00:41Hands-on Session for Importing Character Object
0:06:48Introduction to Object Modelling
0:01:57Working with Unity Scripting-Introduction to Unity Script
0:01:42Hands-on Session of Unity Scripting
0:04:21Introduction to Unity Variables Scripts
0:02:32Introduction to Unity Functions Scripts
0:03:36Hands-on Session for Unity Functions Scripts
0:00:00Introduction to Unity Control Structure and Loops
0:01:53Hands-on Session for Control Structure and Loops
0:05:31Introduction of Object Behavior Scripts Components
0:01:42Hands-on Session for Object Behavior Scripts Components
0:11:20Introduction about Audio Effects Behavior Scripting
0:03:15Hands-on Session for Audio Effects Behavior Scripting with Game Object
0:16:15Basic understanding of mobile app development
Laptop/Desktop capable of running Unity
Essentials of game development
Trends in Mobile game development
Unity game engine
Game environment modeling
Game character making
Unity scripting
Audio effects behaviour scripting
Dr. Sathish Kumar .L is designated as Assistant Professor in Gaming Division, School of Computing Science and Engineering at VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal. He has completed his Ph.D., in Computer Science and Engineering, from Alagappa University, Karaikudi. He has 8 years of academic experience and has more than 29 research publications in refereed International/National Journals and Conferences. He has 2 international patents and 1 design patent to his credit and has received 2 awards for his research and academic contributions. He has published 6 textbooks entitled Desktop Publishing, Desktop Publishing Second Edition, Artificial Intelligence, Data Communication and Networking, and Java Programming and Think by Python. He has completed consultancy project work in “Text Archaeology with Tagged India Languages” with Asia University, Taiwan. He is taking E-Learning courses which are Mobile Game Development Basics, Intermediate and advanced. He is a reviewer for leading SCI & Scopus Indexed Journals like Wireless Networks Journal, Springer, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier, IET Electronics Letters, and Ad-hoc Sensor Wireless Networks Journal, Old City Publishing, etc. He has been a resource person/session chair for a number of International Conferences. He is a lifetime member of IEEE and a Life Member of IAENG. He is an active researcher in the field of Medical Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Data Science.
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02h 20mLevel
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